Sunday, September 28, 2008

sad vidham priti laksanam

dadāti pratigrhnāti
guhyam ākhyāti prcchati
bhuńkte bhojayate caiva
sad-vidham prīti-laksanam

Translation: Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasāda and offering prasāda are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another. (NOI. Verse 4)

I've always noticed: It's one thing to spout off philosophy but its another to actually experience it first hand. It's the difference between jnana and vijnana. I consider myself intensely fortunate, as I have been blessed to experience these six symptoms of love shared amongst devotees.

Just this past Friday my wonderful devotee friends here in New Remuna dhama (Toronto) threw me a farewell party. I will be leaving Toronto (at least physically) this coming Wednesday....back to Ottawa and then off to Mayapur for 4 months where I will be attending the deity worship course.

The night was so incredibly special. Two wonderful devotees had just moved into their new apartment on Thursday night and I later found out that they eagerly volunteered to hold the party at their place the very next day. Moving is always an inconvenience and its hard enough to get oneself settled, what to speak of hosting a party for over 25 people the very next day. I was so touched. It is the nature of a devotee to always set aside personal inconveniences for the pleasure of others and this was no exception.

And the! Despite having a long Friday at work and school, another group of devotees made a feast of veggie burgers, french fries, salad and for dessert an incredible banana and carob cake. And these are devotees who not only go to school and work but during the week are involved in running and organizing yoga programs, university programs and so much more.

The evening was filled with soul-stirring kirtans, laughter, feasting, joking and touching realizations.

Who am I to be the recipient of so many blessings because that's exactly what it is. Krishna consciousness is about loving exchanges and most importantly loving exchanges amongst devotees. But it can be hard. Amongst working on our own anarthas, surviving in the material world, juggling that balancing act amongst maintaining our spiritual and material needs and taking time for ourselves it can be very hard to cultivate relationships. That's why devotees sometimes feel burnt out and comment that its easier to have relationships with those who are not devotees.

Toronto is a jewel-filled mine in that respect. There are so many wonderful younger devotees who are willing to give their time and energy not only for doing service but more importantly in making sure that devotees are being nurtured on an individual level. Slowly but surely devotees here are trying to become more and more person-oriented and friendships that are heart-deep are forming.

I cannot describe the loss that I feel knowing that I will be away from this incredible sanga....but I know that no matter where I go that these devotees are more than my friends...they are my family....and Toronto will always be home.


RG said...

I found you! LOL You are such an amazing devotee and THAT is why you deserved such an awesome party!

-Recha <3

Madhavi said...

now why will u say someting so emotional and make me cry :-( !