Monday, April 20, 2009

A Dialogue With My Mind

Lately, I've been feeling like I've been spinning one spot. Spinning since I have millions of ideas and goals and thoughts and feelings all whirling through my head as to what I want to do in life....but unfortunately I feel like I'm in one spot because I haven't acted on any of those things.

But what can you do when it's one of those things you can't actually muster up the courage and determination to do something about? Yesterday I finally got my answer: I need to get to the heart of the problem. And interestingly enough, that was my biggest problem of all. See, I thought that my spinning around with uncertainty as to what I want to do and how I want to contribute to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission was actually the problem. But it's not.

At the end of the day, the number one obstacle that most people face in their lives is fear of failure and doing the wrong thing. And what is the result of this "seemingly insurmountable hurdle to overcome?" Not doing anything at all.

So, most people have probably heard of this very common expression "an idle mind is a devil's workshop. Well I'd like to add, "an overactive fearful mind is like being in solitary confinement." It feels like you're being caged in with you own worst enemy, the mind, who is always bringing up the dreaded statement of doubt, "But what if you're doing the wrong thing? What happens to all the effort?"

So now, after having gotten to the heart of the problem, I answer, "O mind, the result is not our worry to deal with! Leave that in the very capable hands of our dear Lord Krsna. Our only worry and concern is to set an example of being a humble devotee and finding ways to spread Krsna consciousness."

1 comment:

Jahnavi said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel - it's comforting to know someone else feels the same! Wish I could talk to you more about it - are you back in Canada??