Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Ways of the Material Energy

Ever noticed that when you want something really bad and try really hard to go for it, more often than not, the harder it is to attain it? Also notice when you truly give up something, often times it come back or is easier to get?

Such are the ways of material nature. At least, this is what I have experienced in my own life. It has often confused me. How in the world do we aspire or endeavor for anything if it just ends up eluding us most of the time? Oftentimes in my enthusiasm or intense endeavors for the achieved goal or result I forget the key principle: I have all rights to endeavor but I have no claim over the result.

It is actually the desire for the object/achievement in question that actually gets in our way most of the time. That attachment is often two-fold. An attachment for the actual object/achievement and also the attachment to actually gain the object/achievement. Both of these attachments can blind us to opportunities as well as huge signposts indicating that "yes, this is a good thing" or "stop, this isn't good." The trick is to follow Krsna's advice (He really does have all the answers, doesn't He? :D). To simply work as a matter of duty and to leave all the results up to Him.

Definitely something that is easier said than done but as all things in life it's a matter of practice. As I've completed my wonderful sojourn in the holy land of India, I'm at a stage where I'm left contemplating many things. One of those things that is at the top of my list is "What am I going to do now?"

This concern and solution has thus been swimming around in my mind. That whatever new steps or endeavors I pursue, I should definitely do it with a full heart, a full heart that wants to devote whatever comes of those endeavors to Guru and Krsna. In this way, I can channel my enthusiasm in the correct way. At the end of the day Guru and Krsna are interested in the attitude and consciousness that goes behind everything, the result is just a bonus if it comes. That being said, sometimes under the pretense of saying everything is for Guru and Krsna our own material consciousness rears its ugly head and we become result conscious instead of Guru/Krsna conscious.

I pray that I can keep this at the forefront of my mind. I truly do want to devote everything to Guru and Krsna and I pray that I can do so by "Consciously knowing that everything depends on Krsna and acting as though everything depends on me."

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